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List of Books


There is little in the way of tracking systems for independent authors since we don't report sales data the way larger companies do. But, to the best of my knowledge I am the top selling indie sci-fi/fantasy author in the state of IA and possibly the upper midwest (not counting ebooks). I sell thousands of physical copies per year, and have written around 100 titles, most of them novels.

In addition to written books, I've written a couple comics as well and recently collaborated on a new comic book with Nathan Lueth, who is a well-known artist.

I began working with kickstarter in 2023 and my first launch there did 650% and we launched that book at C2E2.


Gaming and writing have significant overlap and I also do game design, writing modules for companies including GaleForce9 (Firefly/Brigands & Browncoats), Taloxin games, and SFR (Dragon Dice). As a fan of D&D, I was an avid reader of a mid-90s pre-WotC universe which I've secured the rights to write in and have expanded it to a 12 book fantasy series in a universe adjacent to D&D lore.

I am a literary guest at a few different shows where I teach panels/workshops, the largest being a guest appearance at Origins for multiple years.


I recently signed a 6 book sci-fi deal and I am currently in talks with a major publisher for another, unreleased series. 

Partial List of Books Written

2 Part Trilogy

50 Shades of Worf

50 Shades of Worf: Darker Ages

50 Shades of Worf: Fried Chicken

50 Shades of Worf: Holiday Special

A Kiss of Daggers

Anthologies 1

Anthologies 2

Anthologies 3

Anthology of the Damned

Army of the Dead

Ashes of Ailushurai

Austicon's Lockbox: Dekker's Dozen 3

Axman's Jazz

Before Tomorrow Burned: shadowless 2

Bloodguilt: Shadowless 1

Bridge of Se7en

Burning the God of Thunder

Canticle for Chaturanga

Cast of Fate

Chill Wind

Death Upon the Fields of Spledor

Dekker's Dozen Omnibus 1

Divergents, Tributes, Games, and Sandworms

Division of Nerd Crime Omninus 4 Pack Collection


Eye of the Storm

Father of the Esurient Child

Gate of the Multiverse

Grandma Ethel's Donuts and Hollowpoints

Grinden Proselyte

John in the John

Muzzling Jesus

One Star

Origins of the Fey Duelist

Piano of the Damned

Rise and Fall of the Obsidian Grotto

Rise of the Champions

Rise of the Dragon Impervious

Scion of the King

Secrets of the Shadowlands

Sell More Books at Live Events

Sell More Books at Live Events: Pricing Hacks

Shadowless: The Affliction Cycle

Shadows of a Superhero

Taking of the Prime

Tales of the First Age

The Architect King

The Armageddon Seeds

The Clockwork Castle

The Crow and the Troll

The Cyrean Songs

The Dark Veil Opens: Shadowless 0

The Devil Inside: Shadowless 3

The Indie Author's Bible

The Indie Author's Bible: Workbook

The Kakos Realm Collection

The Last Black Eye of Antigo Vale

The Last Watchmen

The Magnificent 8

Thunderfist and the Dragon

Watch of the Starsleepers

Why Your Pastor Left

Wizards Wardrobes and Halflings

Wolf of the Tesseract

Wolves of the Tesseract Collection

Shows I've been a vendor at:

Gencon, C2E2, Fan Expo Denver, Fan Expo New Orleans, Planet Comiccon, Popcon Louisville, Popcon Indianapolis, Origins game fair,  Galaxy con Des Moines, Galaxy con MPLS, Galaxy con Columbus, Gamehole con, Nerd Street Des Moines Con, Nerd Street Twin Cities Con, Cincinnati comic book expo, Fan Fusion MN, Wizard World Minneapolis & Chicago , CONvergence, O-Con, Fanboy Expo Columbus, Fanboy Expo Knoxville,  Marscon, Manticon MPLS, Midwest Comic Book Assoc Fallcon & Springcon, Valleycon Fargo, Crypticon MPLS, & many, many more

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